Donnerstag, 6. April 2006

Im Namen des Volkes!

Scheiden tut weh? Na zumindest war ich sehr aufgeregt im Vorfeld. Aber ein, auch hier obligatorisches, Trennungsjahr reicht zur emotionalen Vorbereitung. War trotzdem mein erstes Mal und meine Mutter grad nicht greifbar. Die hat da schon mehr Erfahrungen sammeln können. Aber dann ist es doch ganz uninquisitorisch. Nur 10 Minuten braucht es und das virtuelle Band einer Lebenspartnerschaft ist zerschnitten. Schnipp Schnapp. Kann ich wieder was von der To-Do Liste streichen.

Es grüßt Blogwart, Alex

PS: Statt Blumen und Geschenke bitte ich um Spenden für die Deutsche AIDS Hilfe.
frankburkhard - 7. Apr, 10:06

that´s what you get
for makin´whoopee!

(Another bride, another June
Another sunny honeymoon
Another season, another reason
For makin' whoopie
A lot of shoes, a lot of rice
The groom is nervous, he answers twice
It's really killin' that he's so willin'
To makin' whoopie

Picture a little love nest
Down where the roses cling
Picture the same sweet love nest
Think what a year can bring

He's washing dishes and baby clothes
He's so ambitious, he even sews
But don't forget folks, that's what you get folks
For makin' whoopie

Another year or maybe less
What's this I hear, well can you guess
She feels neglected, and he's suspected
Of makin' whoopie

She sits alone most every night
He doesn't phone her, he doesn't write
He says he's busy, but she says "is he?"
He's makin' whoopie

He doesn't make much money
Only five thousand per
Some judge who thinks he's funny
says you'll pay six to her

He says, "now judge suppose I fail?"
The judge says, "budge right into jail"
You'd better keep her, I think it's cheaper
Than makin' whoopie

You'd better keep her, I think it's cheaper
Than makin' whoopie)



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